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Languages: English, French, Spanish

WAHIS: World Animal Health Information System


The World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS) is a database from WOAH dedicated to disseminating information about the animal health situation worldwide. The immediate notification reports, as well as the six-month and annual summary reports, can help interested parties learn more about relevant animal disease events.


The World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS) from WOAH has three main components: an early warning system, a monitoring system, and an annual reporting system. The early warning system publishes daily reports of animal disease events for all 117 WOAH-listed diseases. The criteria for WOAH list inclusion is detailed in the Terrestrial and Aquatic codes. The monitoring system consists of six-monthly reports that describe the WOAH-listed diseases reported in each country/territory. Annual reports are also published for each country/territory. These annual reports contain additional information on the area’s animal population, potential zoonotic diseases, and veterinary capabilities. The WAHIS system can help users understand the animal health situation worldwide.

WOAH was established in 1924, has 182 member countries and is a leading global authority on animal health. WOAH receives its mandate from the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. All the information in WAHIS is reported by Veterinary Services of member countries and territories. To request a service or report an issue, contact WAHIS Support at https://wahis-support.woah.org/support/home.

This library includes an example of a WAHIS report. The report describes an avian influenza outbreak in Benin and includes general information, epidemiology, and control measures at the event level. Reports are available in French, English, and Spanish.