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Language: English

Tactical Sciences for Biosecurity in Animal and Plant Systems

[Tactical Sciences for Biosecurity]

Tactical Sciences for Biosecurity in Animal and Plant Systems is a reference source for the prevention of harmful pathogens and pests in agricultural settings. The book examines different strategies for managing plant and animal diseases, offering insights for researchers, practitioners, and students in biosecurity.


Tactical Sciences for Biosecurity in Animal and Plant Systems is a reference source for the prevention of harmful pathogens and pests in agricultural settings. The book examines different strategies for managing plant and animal diseases, offering insights for researchers, practitioners, and students in biosecurity. The resource covers a wide range of topics, from agricultural systems to invasive species, microbial evolution, and risk analysis.

The book is comprehensive and provides up-to-date and real-world information for preventing and managing biological threats. While the book is written in the context of the United States, it can be applied to a variety of countries. Practically, this book can be used by trainers, teachers, students, or practitioners as a textbook or reference material for biosecurity concepts. Biosecurity leaders and government officials can apply the methodologies and tools discussed to improve their efforts in preventing the spread of invasive species and pathogens.