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Global Laboratory Leadership Programme


To help ensure that laboratories can effectively play a critical role in the prevention, detection, and control of diseases, current and emerging laboratory leaders worldwide need specialized training in leadership and management. The GLLP outlines nine core competencies needed by laboratory leaders in the Laboratory Leadership Competency Framework: Laboratory system, Leadership, Management, Communication, Quality management system, Biosafety and biosecurity, Disease surveillance and outbreak investigation, Emergency preparedness, response and recovery, and Research.


The Global Laboratory Leadership Programme (GLLP) was developed to train laboratory staff in leadership and management in order to strengthen the operations of human and animal health laboratories, as well as other laboratories with public health functions, and to strengthen national laboratory systems. The Programme was created through a collaboration of six organizations: the US-based Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL), the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), and the World Health Organization (WHO). These six organizations brought together over 140 experts in human and animal health and laboratory science for the development of the GLLP. GLLP is also committed to employing a One Health approach across all of its training materials and to equip laboratory leaders to implement a One Health approach in their own laboratory systems.

As part of the GLLP, the experts created a Laboratory Leadership Competency Framework that outlines nine core competencies needed to meet national, regional, and global disease prevention and control objectives: 1. Laboratory system, 2. Leadership, 3. Management, 4. Communication, 5. Quality management system, 6. Biosafety and biosecurity, 7. Disease surveillance and outbreak investigation, 8. Emergency preparedness, response and recovery, 9. Research. In addition to the Competency Framework, GLLP also offers a Learning Package which includes over 200 hours worth of virtual and in-person course materials, as well as guides to accompany implementation. The Competency Framework was initially published in 2019 in English and is now available in other languages: French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese. Since mid-2021, the Learning Package in English is hosted on the WHO Health Security Learning Platform. Together, these two components allow GLLP to set a standard for laboratory leadership training internationally.