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Global Biorisk Management Curriculum


The GBRMC library is a technically relevant, consistent, and credible resource addressing existing and emerging biorisk management training needs around the world. GBRMC courses rely on teaching methods validated to increase the sustainability and value of the training. Over 1300 trainers from 71 countries have access to these materials to strengthen biorisk management in their facilities.


The Global Biorisk Management Curriculum (GBRMC) is an internationally recognized library of technically relevant information for anyone who is involved in biorisk management training. GBRMC relies on validated teaching methods that help increase the sustainability and value of each of the training sessions. The program was created in 2012, in collaboration with biosafety trainers from around the world, and has been used by over 1300 trainers from 71 countries. Trainers on GBRMC can also upload their training material to the GBRMC portal for the benefit of the entire community. GBRMC releases an annual updated curriculum that contains information about all the courses, which are released in English, and a table outlining which of the courses are available in ten other languages (Arabic, French, Indonesian, Khmer, Lao, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese).

GBRMC is one of several tools supported by the Global Chemical and Biological Security (GCBS) Program at Sandia National Labs. GBRMC is funded by the United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Access to GBRMC is free, but you must register an account on their learning platform. GBRMC is an internationally relevant source and was recommended by many of the experts interviewed for this library.