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GABRIEL Network Training Programs and E-Learning Platform

[GABRIEL Network Trainings]

The GABRIEL Network offers a range of in-person workshops, including one on Biosafety/Biosecurity. They also have online training in Biobanking, which covers regulation of shipments, biosafety level assessments and virus isolation. The GABRIEL network brings together 21 research laboratories located in LMICs and working on infectious disease and local surveillance.


The international scientific network GABRIEL (Global Approach to Biological Research on Infectious Epidemics in Low-income countries) was created by the Mérieux Foundation in 2008 to strengthen the research and training capacities of local laboratories and improve the surveillance of diseases with a major impact on public health in low-income countries. The GABRIEL network promotes collaboration in the field of infectious diseases and supports local responses to health challenges through i.collaborative research on acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis and antimicrobial resistance, ii. technology transfer and iii. training and knowledge sharing.

The GABRIEL network is coordinated by the Merieux Foundation, an independent, family foundation that focuses on fighting infectious disease in developing countries through diagnostics by building laboratory capacity. This non-profit network run a series of training programs and an e-learning platform that offer a range of in-person workshops, including one on Biosafety/Biosecurity. They also have online training in Biobanking, which covers regulation of shipments, biosafety level assessments and virus isolation. The network also supports labs moving towards biosafety accreditations. 

Since the network began in 2008, over 950 scientists have been trained, over 50 workshops have been organized, and 10 e-learning modules have been created on epidemiology, clinical research, molecular biology, arboviruses diagnostics, and biobanking.