Time and Temperature Sensitive Labels FAQ
[T&T Sensitive Label FAQ]
This document answers frequently asked questions about Time and Temperature Sensitive labels. These labels must be affixed to any shipments that require temperature-controlled service and their usage is foreseen for the healthcare industry.
The Time and Temperature Sensitive Labels FAQ document answers frequently asked questions about Time and Temperature Sensitive labels. These labels must be affixed to any shipments that require temperature-controlled service and their usage is foreseen for the healthcare industry. Any user shipping temperature-sensitive raw material, pharmaceutical ingredients, medical devices, biological products, or clinical trial materials must familiarize themselves with these labels and purchase the appropriate one.
The document is published by the International Air Transportation Association (IATA), the trade association for world airlines, which represents 82% of total air traffic. They are a world leader on aviation policy and work closely with the UN International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to help set international shipping standards. This guidance was released by the IATA Cargo team, which is responsible for making sure plane cargo is transported safely and securely. This guidance was released in November 2013 and is available in English.