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The Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines for Codes of Conduct for Scientists

[Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines]

These guidelines provide 10 guiding principles for scientists to ensure that they are conducting research in a way that promotes biosecurity, responsible conduct, and development towards the sustainable development goals. These guidelines will be submitted to the 9th Review Conference of the BWC in the hopes of gaining international support.


The Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines for Codes of Conduct for Scientists are a set of 10 guiding principles for scientists to ensure that they are conducting research in a way that promotes biosecurity, responsible conduct, and development towards the sustainable development goals. These guidelines will be submitted to the 9th Review Conference of the BWC in the hopes of gaining international support. The 10 principles cover: 1. Ethical standards, 2. Laws and norms, 3. Responsible conduct of research, 4. Respect for research participants, 5. Research process management, 6. Education and training, 7. Research Finding Dissemination, 8. Public engagement on Science and Technology, 9. Role of institutions, 10. International cooperation. 

Since January 2021, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security has worked with Tianjin University, the Interacademy Partnership, with support from the US Department of State and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to develop the guidelines. In July 2021, the Interacademy Partnership officially endorsed the guidelines. The guidelines were developed through two meetings of international experts from 16 different countries across 4 continents, held in April and May 2021. The guidelines are a good example of cross-regional collaboration, and were written to be applicable internationally.