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Language: English

WHO EB154(10) Agenda item 14: Strengthening laboratory biological risk management

[Strengthening laboratory biological risk management]

This resolution recommends that WHO strengthen global laboratory biosafety and biosecurity and address the rising risks of emerging diseases. The resolution also calls for enhanced national strategies, training, international cooperation, and WHO support to improve preparedness and risk management in handling high-consequence biological agents.


The document outlines a decision made during the 154th session of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO). It revolves around strengthening laboratory biological risk management in response to the increasing risk of outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases. The resolution emphasizes enhancing global preparedness, improving laboratory biosafety and biosecurity, and addressing gaps in current measures.

The resolution specifically calls on Member States to strengthen implementation of multisectoral laboratory biosafety at the national-level in alignment with WHO guidelines, enhance training and development of personnel in biological risk management, counter misinformation, develop regulations specifically around the handling of high-consequence biological agents and new biotechnologies, and strengthen international cooperation and information-sharing. It also calls upon the Director General to provide technical assistance and support for national strategies, monitor developments and report on progress especially as it relates to the Sustainable Development Goals, promote collaboration, and facilitate discussion between stakeholders.