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Stepwise Laboratory Quality Improvement Checklist Towards Accreditation (SLIPTA) Checklist

[SPLITA Checklist]

The World Health Organization (WHO) Stepwise Laboratory Quality Improvement Process Towards Accreditation (SLIPTA) Checklist is a tool developed by the WHO to help laboratories improve across different levels of capacity and move towards accreditation.


The World Health Organization (WHO) Stepwise Laboratory Quality Improvement Process Towards Accreditation (SLIPTA) Checklist is a 12-section tool developed by the WHO to help laboratories improve across different levels of capacity and move towards accreditation. Specifically, the SLIPTA checklist supports laboratories in developing the capacity to detect, identify, and report consequential pathogens and microbial diseases. The checklist is based on the requirements of the International Standards Organization (ISO) 15189 standard.

The SLIPTA checklist is designed to help countries identify resources and training needs, while also quantitatively measuring progress, and setting benchmarks against international standards. The checklist is completed by a certified SLIPTA Auditor and includes a laboratory profile, laboratory audit, summary of audit findings, and an action planning worksheet. During the audit portion, the checklist is used to determine if the lab provides accurate results, assess if the lab adheres to best practices for management, and identify areas for improvement in operations. These findings are based on a review of lab documents, observation of operations, interview questions, and end-to-end sample tracing/testing/confirmation. Labs receive a score on a 5-star rating system.

The checklist applies to medical laboratories and point-of-care testing, and the process is widely used across regions. It was designed via an expert review process and has a parallel Implementation Guide for further assistance.