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Language: English

Best Practice on the Selection, Validation and Use of Disinfectants in High Containment Animal Facilities

[High Containment Animal Facilites]

Disinfection is a large part of keeping high containment facilities safe. This guidance focuses on selection, validation and use of disinfectants in high containment animal facilities. This guidance is released by the Veterinary Biocontained facility Network and the Network of Animal Disease Infectiology Research.


The Best Practice on the Selection, Validation and Use of Disinfectants in High Containment Animal Facilities guidance highlights the disinfection process, which is a large part of keeping high containment facilities safe. This guidance is released by the Veterinary Biocontained facility Network (VetBioNet) and the Network of Animal Disease Infectiology Research (NADIR). The guidance is part of a series produced by NADIR that provides examples of how to practically interpret various international and national standards that are in place for undertaking infectious work in animals with pathogens that require high containment facilities. These guidelines were released in 2013 and are available in English. 

VetBioNet is an infrastructure project that aims to establish and maintain a comprehensive network of Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3) research facilities, academic institutes, international organisations and industry partners that is dedicated to advance research on zoonotic diseases. NADIR is a European Union (EU) effort, coordinated by France, to increase collaboration between 16 BSL3 labs that study zoonoses and emerging animal diseases. NADIR was started in 2009 and ended in 2013.