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Fact Sheets about the BWC
[Fact Sheets on the BWC]
Fact sheets on legislative implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and on national authorities for the Convention. Structured as Frequently Asked Questions documents about obligations of countries once they have joined the BWC.
The fact sheets on the Biological Weapons Conventions (BWC) are a series of frequently asked questions guides about countries obligations under the BWC. The fact sheets focus on destruction of bioweapons stockpiles and on national authority for the bioweapons convention. The factsheets include questions such as “is my state under an obligation to implement the BWC?” and “How can my state establish a national authority?”. The factsheets also give information about who to contact to receive assistance to set up BWC protocols. The factsheets are available in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic, and were published in 2021. Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC) is based in the UK and works on all types of verification schemes for international agreements. The VERTIC has three main programs: 1. Verification and Monitoring, 2. National Implementation Measures, 3. Compliance Mechanisms and Measures. This tool is under the national implementation program for the BWC. Under the Implementing the Biological Weapons Convention program there are several tools: International Agreements, Legislative Assistance Provider, Legislation Drafting Tools, Legislation Drafting Assistant, Legislative Analysis Tool, BWC Legislation Database, Universality of the BWC, and National Implementation Measures. Many of these tools have their own entries in this library.