Languages: English, Russian
An Efficient and Practical Approach to Biosecurity
[Efficient and Practical Approach to Biosecurity]
This book was published by CBB Denmark after Denmark passed a comprehensive biosecurity law in 2008. The book details an efficient and practical model that other countries can use a blueprint for establishing or improving their own biosecurity systems.
An Efficient and Practical Approach to Biosecurity is a book published by the Danish Center for Biorisk and Biosecurity (CBB) after Denmark passed a comprehensive biosecurity law in 2008. The book details an efficient and practical model that other countries can use as a blueprint for establishing or improving their own biosecurity systems. It covers setting up a biosecurity system, biosecurity in practice, and thorny biosecurity challenges. The book was published in 2015, and free to download from the CBB website. The book is available in English and Russian.
The CBB is Denmark’s national authority on biosecurity that issues licences to research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, hospital laboratories, and other laboratories that handle biological materials to allow them to work with biological dual use components. CBB was established to help Denmark fulfill its responsibilities under Security Council Resolution 1540, and reports to the Ministry of Health. CBB also maintains a 24/7 response capability to counter the effects of a biological incident, both accidental and malicious.