Declaration on Biological Securitythumbnail image

Language: English

Declaration on Biological Security

[Declaration on Biological Security]

The Declaration on Biological Security underscores global commitment to enhancing global biosecurity and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation to address threats.


The Declaration on Biological Security reaffirmed the G7-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (GPWMD) commitment to enhancing global biosecurity and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation to address emerging and persistent biological threats.

Key actions and commitments include:

  1. Continued implementation of projects aimed at combating bioterrorism and proliferation
  2. Constructive engagement with the BWC to enhance compliance and transparency
  3. Review rapid advancements in biotechnology, including dual-use research, and balancing threat reduction measures with scientific progress
  4. Condemn disinformation efforts by Russia to discredit the GPWMD and threat reduction efforts
  5. Reiterate support for proper resourcing and operational readiness of the UNSGM
  6. Intensify efforts under the Africa Signature Initiative to support biosafety and biosecurity capacity in Africa
  7. Address gender-related impacts of biological threats and improve gender equality in programmatic efforts
  8. Increase multi-sectoral engagement, including across health and security